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Welcome to Clandestine Forums!

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Welcome to Clandestine Forums! Empty Welcome to Clandestine Forums!

Post by Sumiyaki Wed May 12, 2010 12:11 pm

The reason I put this off so long was because I have no idea what to say LOL.

Welcome to the forums for Clandestine guild~! ;O
I took this idea from Heart of Oblivion and The Mercenaries, who both had established their own set of guild forums~ because I thought it was an effective way for us all to connect/reconnect outside of RO. :)

I'm a bit of a privacy freak... so as a "guest" member, you are not able to see all the subforums that a registered member can see. I don't quite remember which forums are open to the public, but any subforum with sensitive information (for example... IRL stuff.) is limited to registered members. And no, you don't have to be a member of the guild to join the forums. :)

Thank you, and enjoy? :)

Posts : 527
Join date : 2010-02-21
Age : 34

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